1136 Newport Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02861
P: 401-725-1115
F: 401-725-1114
Map Location |
270 Front St.
Lincoln, RI 02865
P: 401-724-5600
F: 401-725-4432
Map Location |
If you are considering marketing your property, the first step is usually estimating property value. In those circumstances, an Associate at CENTURY 21 Stachurski Agency can perform a Market Analysis using the MLS data bank and submit a written detailed report of estimated value within a few days and at no cost or obligation. The report will document area listings and recent sales of properties that are considered comparable to yours. For most purposes, the Market Analysis report is probably sufficient to your needs.
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In other cases, however, a more exact or qualified opinion of value is required. As an example, a property value may be needed for tax reporting, estate planning or settlements (probate), or court presentations. In these type of instances, an Appraisal by a state licensed or certified appraiser is needed.
We can refer you to local appraisal firms that utilize licensed and certified appraisers in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Appraisals involve fees which can vary based upon the intended use and type of report. Reports are completed to recognized national standards.
If you need an appraisal, please call us and we will put you in contact with one of the staff appraisers who will provide a quotation of fees and the time required for preparation of the work.
YES... I need an appraisal » |